"Capture your precious moments with Us"

Bless Friday Photography 2023

Timeless Beauty

We know a journey is not always about traveling into places, but also memories.
Some memories are not created in purpose, some are just made in a split second of happiness and joy.
Some memories are just made accidentally, beautifully. And it become a valueable legacy you want to share with others.
We are here to be part of every decision you take with your loved ones.
We want you to be able to memorize every single detail through our lenses, so one day you can feel the same feeling you had so many years ago and remember how to celebrate love.
May your feelings be blessed, and timeless.


Here's the review based on our lovely customers' experience with Bless Friday.
Hopefully this might help you to choose the right photographer on your special day!

"We believe today's beautiful moments are tomorrow's treasured memories"


Bali Session - Special Offer


Short Session
3 hours session
1 Photographer
1 location
2 looks max
40 Edited photos
All JPG files send by Google Drive

Halfday Session
6 hours session
1 Photographer
2 location
2 looks max
60 Edited photos
All JPG files send by Google Drive

Sunrise & Sunset Session
2 hours session sunrise
3 hours session sunset
1 Photographer
2 location
3 looks max
100 Edited photos
All JPG files send by Google Drive

Star from IDR 2.000.000
Get Discount 1.000.000
Social Media
Jl. Manunggal 2C, Cijerah, Bandung
@2025 Bless Friday Photography Inc.